Only the most qualified attorneys are listed on
This site contains contact information for Fresno County attorneys who have passed our screening test as experts in their area of law.
Unlike most attorney evaluation sites, this site does not charge any of the attorneys to be on this site and does not accept payment to change an attorney’s status on this site. We strive to remain neutral.
To be added to a section below, the attorney must:
- Have a primary practice in the county.
- Dedicate much or all of his or her practice to the listed area of law.
- Not have a record of incompetence with the California Bar.
- Be in practice five years or more.
- Be generally known to the site administrators as highly competent.
- Be published in a law book or journal related to his or her area of law and/or be certified by the Bar in the listed area of law.
Attorneys are listed in random order.
Criminal Defense Attorneys
- David Raymond Mugridge (559) 264-2688
- Roger Dale Wilson (559) 233-4100
- Jon Kiyoshi Renge (559) 444-0300
- Christopher Michael Irwin (Public Defender)
- Jeffrey Tyson Hammerschmidt (559) 233-5333
- Alan Bernard DeOcampo (Public Defender)
- Edward Marshall Hodgkins (559) 248-0900
- Richard Mehdi Oberto (559) 221-2557
- Douglas Scott Feinberg (Public Defender)
- Roberto R. Dulce (Public Defender)
- Scott Damian Baly (Public Defender)
- Eric Chris Christensen (Public Defender)
- John Alan Meyer (559) 385-1565
- Margarita Maria Martinez (559) 445-1721
- Curtis Bonghoon Sok (559) 475-0239
- Burton Jay Francis (559) 233-5333
- James Patrick Lambe (559) 439-1352
- Mark A. Broughton (559) 233-5333
- James Raymond Homola (559) 441-7111
- Lourdes Rodriguez Espinosa (Public Defender)
- Kathy Ann Marousek (Public Defender)
- Douglas Edward Haas (559) 355-5439
Family Law Attorneys
- John Morton McDaniel (559) 226-4420
- Teri Ann Kezirian (559) 226-4008
- Katherine E. Donovan (559) 228-6655
- Julia Ann Brungess (559) 226-4008
- Robin M Hall (559) 224-2131
- John Patrick Brekhus (559) 233-4529
- Jerry Dmitri Casheros (559) 433-2330
- Nancy J Stegall (559) 237-6800
Bankruptcy Attorneys
- Susan Silveira (408) 265-3482
- Gabriel Waddell (559) 436-6575
- Peter Fear (559) 436-6575
- Hagop Bedoyan (559) 433-1300
Immigration Attorneys
- Jeremy Clason (559) 821-4679
- Camille Cook (559) 558-5118
- Gregory Olson (559)558-5118
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